
Local Peace Activists Demand Files From FBI

The Mid-South Peace & Justice Center attempts to determine if the local FBI is spying on Memphians.

Following recent news about an undercover FBI agent infiltrating an anti-war group in Minneapolis, the Mid-South Peace & Justice Center is hoping to determine if the FBI has infiltrated any Memphis groups.

This afternoon (Tuesday) from 4 to 6 p.m., activists will meet at the Peace & Justice Center office inside First Congregational Church to fill out Freedom of Information Act requests to submit to the FBI. They’re hoping the FOIA requests will compel the federal government to release any information it may have on potential spying subjects.

“I used to think the FBI protected us. But after learning about how they spied on Dr. King [through Ernest Withers] and the attacks on anti-war activists today, I’m starting to wonder if it’s the FBI that is the threat,” said Jeffery Lichtenstein a member of the University of Memphis Progressive Student Alliance.