Intermission Impossible Theater

Looking for a Halloween Costume? Theatre Memphis is Having a Yard Sale.

Christmas ghosts are still ghosts.

Sure, you could probably go buy a mass-produced sexy pirate costume made from the world’s worst fabrics. Or you could make something at home — a paper bag mask, perhaps. Or you could take advantage of Theatre Memphis’ storage limitations and pick up pieces built or selected by professional costumers. Cheap. Or, at least, relatively so. 

Theatre Memphis Is bringing back its annual Halloween season overstock yard sale. According to press materials, items up for grabs will primarily be, “clothing including vintage costumes, shoes, hats, and other unique specialty children’s items.”

Just in time for all those fancy dress parties you’re attending, right?

Saturday’s sale happens rain or shine in the Theatre Memphis lobby.  Doors open at 8am with large kitchen trash bags  available from Noon – 1pm. $5 for all you can stuff into your treat bag. No tricks. 

Who knows, maybe you can find something swell that looks good on you all year long. 

Don’t be a mass-produced sexy pirate. Be awesome. 

Oh, almost forgot: Early Birds get in at 7 a.m. for a $5 early bird fee. Just saying. 

All goes down at Theatre Memphis this Saturday. Perkins at Southern.