Council chair/temporary mayor Myron Lowery has issued a statement regarding Janis Fullilove’s indictment today on three misdemeanor charges related to driving with a revoked license.
It reads, in full:
“The indictment of Council Member Janis Fullilove on charges related to obtaining a replacement driver’s license and driving while her license was revoked is a personal matter and not a Council matter. While we have heard the charges against Councilwoman Fullilove, we will reserve judgment until her issues are resolved in court. Since Councilwoman Fullilove has not been charged with official misconduct related to her office, the City Council’s options are limited.
As chairman, I will make a formal request to the City of Memphis Ethics Officer, Elbert Jefferson to investigate this matter and advise the Council. The grand jury’s indictment reminds us appropriately that elected officials are not above the law and should be treated the same as any citizen suspected of breaking the law.”