Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Lunch at Burrito Blues

The place is called Burrito Blues. So, I went for the burrito. (Same reason I get the chicken at Gus’ Fried Chicken.)

I went simple. Chicken, peppers and onions, rice, and salsa verde. Delicious.

I’m no stranger to these big burritos, but as the nice line cook rolled my pile of ingredients into burrito form, I wondered if I could handle it. (I couldn’t. Read on.)

But, see, I got this thing with nachos. (First time I saw barbecue nachos was at a RiverKings game years ago. I moved to Memphis because it’s great but I stay for the nachos.)

So, when nachos arrived at the table, my burrito took a back seat while I took a drive straight to Nachotown. (I’m def gonna eat the rest of the ‘rito soon. It’s in the work fridge.)

The chips are made on-site and dusted in a dry barbecue rub. The nachos were topped with guacamole, veggies, and mucho, mucho melted cheese. These nachos were serious. As I guy I used to know once said, it was like “a party in my mouth and flavor was the guest of honor.”

Fun side note: saw and tried this hot sauce for the first time. It’s (if you can’t read the label) from Blues City Cafe and called Beale Street Bad Hot Sauce. It was like Tabasco on the front end with a slightly sweet and barbecue-y twist at the end. If you see it, try it.