- Lyft
- Lyft car on the road
Lyft, the on-demand ridesharing company, is testing the Memphis market for a possible expansion here.
The Lyft program is driven by a mobile app that allows you to find drivers in your area and order a ride from them. You’ll know a Lyft car when you see one as the cars all sport the company’s signature pink mustache on their grills.

The San Francisco-based start up ran an ad looking for drivers in Memphis on Facebook recently but the expansion isn’t a sure thing.
“We are currently testing ads in 20 cities where Lyft is not operating but that we are interested in exploring,” company spokesman Page Thelen said. “While Memphis would be a great city for Lyft, we have not made any plans to launch there at this time.”
Lyft drivers are vetted and approved by the company but aren’t commercially licensed, which makes Lyft different from some rideshare companies. The drivers are just regular people with cars who sign up to give rides for a suggested donation instead of a fee, a difference that allows drivers to get around having a commercial license.

An October 17 blog post from the company says it just recently expanded into Baltimore, the 16th city in the country to get the service. Other Lyft cities include Dallas, Denver, Phoenix, Atlanta, Indianapolis and St. Paul.
Should the company bring its service to Memphis, riders can expect a friendly fist bump from drivers and to be able to pick their own music and charge their phones or other electronics during the ride.