News News Feature



“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” – Nathan Hale

“As for me, give me liberty or give me death” – Patrick Henry

“We have nothing to fear, but fear itself” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Stop crying in your teacups. It isn’t going to change. Get Over It.” – John Kerry


That last quote is a recent response from Massachusetts Senator and “mainstream” presidential candidate Kerry concerning other Democrats’ oratory about the “stolen” election of 2000. The single most undemocratic action in the history of this nation – the theft of a presidential election, sits uncontested. And we need to Get Over It”?


“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” – Nathan Hale

“As for me, give me liberty or give me death” – Patrick Henry

“We have nothing to fear, but fear itself” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Stop crying in your teacups. It isn’t going to change. Get Over It.” – John Kerry


That last quote is a recent response from Massachusetts Senator and “mainstream” presidential candidate Kerry concerning other Democrats’ oratory about the “stolen” election of 2000. The single most undemocratic action in the history of this nation – the theft of a presidential election, sits uncontested. And we need to “Get Over It”?

While the national welfare declines, Senator Kerry musters “Get Over It” – As though voters who feel cheated by an historic election scam are the problem.

“Get Over It” – As though the nine million (and growing) unemployed Americans are the problem.

“Get Over It” – As though the families of the soldiers in Iraq who are complaining of daily casualties in the horrible quagmire started by Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld are the problem.

“Get Over It”. – As though children left behind in rotting, underfunded, overcrowded public schools are the problem.

“Get Over It” – As though the elderly with little or no ability to meet skyrocketing costs of medical care and prescription drugs are the problem.

“Get Over It” – As though the working middle-class and poor, who will continue to share the greatest amount of the tax burden, while the wealthy gets the greatest share of tax cuts – is the problem.

“Get Over It” – As though the families of 9/11 who complain about the constant stonewalling into a government investigation of the attack are the problem.

“Get Over It” – As though the librarians who complain about the Patriot Act’s requirement to reveal library patrons’ records to government authorities, are the problem.

“Get Over It” – As though Americans who know the Constitution proscribes Church/State separation and who question faith-based government proposals of the Bush administration are the problem.

Should Democrats and other aggrieved members of the electorate heed these establishment hacks and “Get Over It”, or , defying them, find a forthright Democratic candidate who can help them just get it over?

Maybe even, as the song says, overcome.