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The Fair and Balanced pundits have been spinning last week’s Democratic Presidential candidates’ debate.


The Fair and Balanced pundits have been spinning last week’s Democratic Presidential candidates’debate. One fellow has reminded viewers that 77% of voters cannot name one of the Democrats running for President. Another has intoned that nothing, absolutely nothing, came out of the debate. The next has informed everyone that no one was watching the debate because the country was preoccupied with the Britney Spears NFL preshow.

It is all very fair and balanced. But the last to add two cents has caught my attention. After cackling at Congressman Gephardt’s comment that Bush has been a miserable failure, this shall-be-and-should-be nameless wizard has claimed watching the debate was like watching the Nickolodeon channel.

Funny, he used that analogy. Watching George W. Bush is like watching the Sci Fi Channel. It keeps getting creepier and creepier.

Let’s face it, the economy is a disaster and in the worst decline since Herbert Hoover was President. Since Bush came to power three years ago, the country has lost over three million jobs. Last month alone, 93,000 more jobs were slashed. Personal bankruptcy rates continue to surge at record highs. The Congressional Budget Office now indicates the budget deficit for 2003 will reach over $400 billion. The spend-and-borrow Republicans are digging us into a fiscal crater the size of the Grand Canyon. Gas prices are soaring at record prices of over $1.75 a gallon. Federal funding cuts to state and local governments have resulted in spiraling property taxes that have already more than eaten the $100 check given to average middle class families in the form of a tax cut.

But when Bush addresseses the country concerning economic matters, he gives us nothing but shifty eyed rhetoric devoid of any facts. All we hear as a solution to our economic woes is tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts. Well, we got our tax cut so where are the jobs? Watching Bush’s mouth move with all the the happy talk is so freaky, it’s like watching The Twilight Zone.

This administration’s talk of the war in Iraq is even better science fiction. Clearly, America is in a Vietnam style quagmire when it comes to the occupation of Iraq. We are spending a billion dollars a week on a war so phony that no one, especially George W. Bush, has ever clearly explained why our troops are in it. “Weapons of mass destruction” became “Sadaam Hussein aided terrorism” became “the liberation of the Iraqi people”. There’s more morphing going on watching Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice than in a segment of Stargate.

The “peaceful” occupation has become a series of suicide bombings and guerrilla high-jinks resulting in daily casualties and injuries. And now, we find out that more soldiers are needed. George W. Bush has tied down the greatest military in the history of the world to the job of looking for religious fanatics. And of course, he did it his way: by dissing the rest of the world when it objected. “Bring it on.” Well, now it has been brought on. Listening to his claims that all this is making the world safer, better, kinder, gentler and richer is stranger than watching Aliens.

As the American economy continues to weaken and the war in Iraq continues to produce greater world instability and American casualties, we should listen to the lies and distortions of the current leader because if he is given the opportunity to live in the White House another four years, we will be watching that scene in Poltergeist– They’re back.