News News Feature


In which our lady of rants dispenses with some obiter dicta about this and that.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Cheri DelBrocco, arguably our most provocative and most popular online columnist ever, rivaled only by Ed Weathers (whose work will shortly be returning), has been involved for some time in the burdensome work of buying a home, selling another, and all the construction and moving and storing that this entails. Unfortunately for our readers, this has drastically cut into her frequency of her appearance here. To amend this somewhat (and to satisfy the bona fide clamor of a number of readers) she has graciously responded to our request and supplied the following excerpts — randomly displayed here, with modest editing (so blame us for any discontinuities) — from recent emails to friends. All of this is to remind you of the cutting-edge sensibility you’ve been missing. Promise: more columns by Cheri DelBrocco are coming!
Remember……we are in Bushworld. And in Bushworld, war is peace, dumb is smart, fear is freedom, black is white, and stop is go. More importantly, Jesus is American – and he is on our side and we are on his side and everyone who is not with us is on the side of the evildoers. George Orwell has got to be spinning in his grave.

I hate this bunch of fanatical, nutcase, wackos….They are taking us down a hole. The world is witnessing Texasization…. big hair, big trucks, big hats, big steaks, big religion, big politics, big guns, and big lies. Texasization is talking about God, but loving an execution. Texasization is delighting in squashing like bugs anyone who is not deemed fit to live in the world of the Saved. Remember that commercial a few years ago, “Texas. It’s a whole other country”? Well, they were right. And unfortunately, we have the President of Texas running America. God help us.

Sy Hersh is a terrific writer. So far, everytime I’ve seen General Myers interviewed on television, his answers to questions are: I don’t know, I’m not sure, I wouldn’t say that and more lies and stonewalling. He should be ashamed to be in a uniform.

I desperately want Kerry to ratchet it up. Independents I know are really starting to perceive him as a wimp. He had better get his message defined, because the wackos are defining his message for him.

I think Bremer is history. And Colin Powell may be ready to hit the exit door. Any semblance of moderation will be gone….the rats are fleeing the ship, but we are all aboard this sinking Titanic. We hit the iceberg January, 2001 the day Dumbo was sworn in. Of course, all that matters to Dumbo is that he had his hand on the Bible, the inerrant word of God.

I smell an implosion coming on…..with a little luck, the lid will totally blow around July or August! Hell hath no fury like an egomanical Rummy and Wolfowitz. Also, Uncle Dick-o will be sucked into the middle of all of it. I get giddy just thinking about it!!

I think Dumbo and Co. are going to fabricate a boner so that Uncle Dick-o can leave. Perhaps his faux heart problems will result in his need to “retire” from politics. The ticket will definetely need tweaking in order for Dumbo to get re-elected. (Of course, having Bro. Jeb running the Diebold electronic machines in Fla. should also help things along – as long as there are no paper receipts)

If Kerry wins, I think he’ll make Clinton his Sec of State. But Kerry is such a limp….well, you know what I mean.

I think we’ve only seen/heard the tip of the iceberg on the prison abuse thing. Tonight, the gristmill is saying they were made to watch soldiers having sex. What the hell is wrong with our military? The bottom line is : two wrongs don’t make a right. The people who killed Berg should suffer the same death. I’m wary of any religous fanatic, regardless of the religion

I read the DaVinci Code the first week it came out. I loved the book. Thought it was one of the best I’ve read in years. I believe in the historical Christ and I think there is a reason he was called the Prince of Peace. Unfortunately, Jesus got put into showbiz by the lunatic fundamentalist traveling salvation show types. It’s a shame, really. I also think it’s pretty funny how the fundies have been going nuts trying to shred The DaVinci Code! Jefferson’s Bible is my kind of book about Jesus of Nazareth.

All the foaming about “The Passion of Christ” movie made me sick. I did not see it and do not care to ever see it. It’s pretty sad how the fundies have used it as a tool of intimidation.

I think Mel Gibson is a wild-eyed, self-intoxicated fanatic. He’s also a brilliant marketing strategist.

Opus Dei makes me shudder. Those people are really, really creepy. Have you ever seen their HQ in NYC?? Gibson, according to my devoted Catholic friends and family is in Opus Dei, as are Antonin Scalia and several other Bush honchos.