Politics Politics Feature

MAD AS HELL: In Which the Author Thinks of McCain-Palin While Listening to The Who’s ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ on a Blaring iPod

Sez Cheri: “Oh sure,
Americans can be as stupid as any other people in the world, but, hell, we’re
not totally insane.” She then goes on in her moderate, reasonable way to dissect the Republicans’ currently barnstorming national ticket.

Just what kind of
morons do John McCain and the Republicans take us for?

Oh sure,
Americans can be as stupid as any other people in the world, but, hell, we’re
not totally insane. Perhaps since Senator Pander Bear has decided to give his
trophy wife, Cindy, some spa time after that stressful convention wardrobe
shopping — the $300,000 acceptance speech get-up was quite the bomb; can I get
it at Wal-Mart? — and he has been jetting around the country with his new
Frontier-mama girl toy, Sarah, and her Alaskan Separatist hubby, Todd, he must
think the rest of us are just sitting around like zombies in underwear watching
our 60-inch plasmas while waiting for his lackeys on FOX to crank on the bubble
machine, cue up some good, old-fashioned Lawrence Welk champagne music and tell
us what a better world it will be in just a couple of months when McCain becomes
the president who will change everything.

Well, I’ve got
some Breaking News for the senator. If he thinks grinning through his
breathtaking lies of revisionism while calling us his “friends” and flashing his
new shiny object, Sarah, with her gas-filled boners will distract Americans from
the fact that it was the Republican party — his party — and its
president, George W. Bush, that created the hell that has been wrought on this
country for the last eight years, the joke is on Grandpa McSame. His party’s
broken road is no longer paved with yellow bricks and this time we will
pay mind to the man behind the curtain. We will not play Cowardly Lion to his
debased Wizard.

The United States
has suffered an administration that has perpetrated a brazenness and vulgarity
on its people that will be remembered in history. Their lies, hypocrisy, and
deceitfulness have been more outrageous than anybody’s mind could possibly have
imagined. We have watched with dropped jaws and profound embarrassment the
idiocy and incompetency of George W. Bush and his contemptuous desire to flout
the will of the people over and over. John McCain’s party and its
president have taken this country down a veritable rathole with a failing
economy and a perpetual war with no plans to make anything right or better for
the future. Both Bush and Cheney have used the people for their own selfish best
interests. McCain supported them in it. At every turn, he cheered it, ballyhooed
it, defended it and called it “success”. In its off-course careening, John
McCain never criticized or challenged the Bush administration to change one
single thing.

Yet, he expects,
after voting with Bush for eight years, for us to somehow believe he has had a
kind of “Paul-on-the-Road-to-Damascus” conversion? That he has experienced an
epiphany that has caused him to suddenly oppose all those disastrous decisions
made by his own party? That he is going to “reform” us out of this unholy mess?
Heck, even my toy poodle, Chocco, is not stupid enough to fall for that sham.

So McCain can go
ahead and call himself a “maverick”. He can call himself whatever he wants, but
Americans know a phony when we see one. We know lies when we hear them. We know
the smell of hypocrisy when it stinks. As was seen at their convention, when it
comes to phony lies and hypocrisy, Republicans are Masters of the Universe.

Because he cannot
run on his record, John McCain intends to make this election about Barack Obama.
But as Senator Obama so clearly articulated in his acceptance speech, this
election will not be about him. It will be about us. And how we have become a
country whose people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. About how we
are ready to get the Titanic that is America, that the Party of Bush and McCain
steered into the iceberg, back on peaceful and prosperous dry land. In the rich
words of our current RepublicanPresident, “Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me—-you can’t get fooled again.”