For the past two years, the former half-term governor of Alaska has been crammed down our throats via the most cunning PR campaign in political history. Let the sheeple in medialand and the blogospheres stay on top of their mountaintops bleating “We Can’t Quit You Sarah!”—— I’m coming down. It is time to put Grizzly Mama in hibernation during the holiday season by pledging to “Keep December Free of All Things Palin.”
Now that Baby Mama Bristol has failed in her hope to (exact quote)“give a big middle finger to everyone in America that hates my mother and hates me” by winning Dancing with the Stars, the Quitter from Wasilla has fallen back on an expedient.
Big Mama Sarah has, of all things, signed off for her daughter to do an abstinence Public Service Announcement with Mike“The Situation” Sorrentino of MTV’s Jersey Shore and DWTS. That oughta keep the Palin name in the public spotlight!
A new book, a stint as a Fox News contributor, and a “reality” show on TLC: None of that can provide enough exposure for Dame Sarah. What’s next? A Potty Training video for Patriot Babies? A Freedom Fighter app for iPad?
Most likely, Sarah will resort to one of her tried and true tactics: hurling a venomous tweet at the President, submitting some snarky Facebook rant about her valiant fight to restore our freedom, or merely (fallback scenario) repeating — and often mangling — hand-me-down GOP talking points in a TV interview.

Above all, she will monopolize as many news cycles as she can to transform her own gaffes into cases of being attacked and maligned by those nasty Liberals. The guilt-trip media will take the bait and allow her to manufacture yet another controversy that can keep her in the public eye for another day.
While all of her self-promotion tactics have been masterful, Palin’s real accomplishment has been to manipulate the Beltway hacks on cable news and talk radio——Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Chris Matthews and others — into a daily discussion of every bit of minutiae stemming from her manufactured controversies. Before we know it, the country has had yet another conversation about what’s up with Sarah foisted on it.
Although she craves to be taken seriously, Sarah Palin is nothing more than a walking media contrivance — the Paris Hilton of politics, famous for being famous. Is she a contendah or a pretendah? Or merely America’s biggest teasah?
Until and unless she gets dead serious about seeking the nomination for President (gulp!), we should tune her out or turn her off.
You, too, can join the effort to ignore Sarah Palin this month. It’s easy! Just go to and sign on to this premise: “Let’s Keep the Month of December Free of All Things Palin”.