Remember the Tilt-A-Whirl—that carnival ride with the big red cars that would spin you around so fast, there was almost a guarantee that you would end up throwing up? Mad As Hell is introducing a segment called “Rightwing Tilt-A-Whirl” featuring some essential news stories you may have missed—those stories the “ fair and balanced” found important to ignore. These are news items everyone should know. But be warned—if you are that rare right winger who considers logic and reason an essential part of formulating an opinion then be prepared to take some deep cleansing breaths in the cool outdoors to expand your mind. Or, perhaps reach for the old reliable bottle of Pepto-Bismol.
Rightwing Tilt-A-Whirl
Shariah law! Republican state officials throughout the land have been elected to solve the most pressing problem of our time – Shariah Law. Republican-led states throughout the land are tripping over themselves to compete for the distinction of sponsoring the most extreme, ridiculous response to the perceived threat of Shariah law. Congratulations to Tennessee— the Volunteer state appears to have won the prize!
State senator Bill Ketron (R-Murfreesboro) has introduced Senate Bill 1028 that claims that Shariah law “continues to plague the United States generally and Tennessee in particular” by requiring Muslims to “actively and passively support the replacement of America’s constitutional republic” with an Islamic state. Thus, adherence to the “legal-political-military doctrine” of Shariah law “is treasonous and a felony punishable by 15 years in jail.” The bill further states that any adherence to Shariah law—including religious practices like feet washing and daily prayer is treasonous.
Reproductive Rights? – Wrong! Republican dominated states throughout the country have declared war on women’s reproductive rights in America. Over the last month, several states have proposed plans to deny women not only the right to abortion, but to restrict their availability to contraception. In Nebraska, legislation has been introduced that would authorize the use of “justifiable homicides” in defense of killings to prevent harm to a fetus.
The U.S. House of Representatives have three pending bills which would strip all funding for the 800 Planned Parenthood clinics around the country. Also, all Title X funding, which provides family planning for low-income Americans would be totally cut. Let’s hope these Republicans have the same success as their Republican predecessors have had in their wars on Iraq, Afghanistan, drugs, crime, education and poverty.
Government Service! As the War on Government Workers and the Middle Class continues in Wisconsin, there are some lesser known proposals in the 144-page bill that the governor, Scott Walker, wants enacted. One is the repeal of the rule requiring municipal governments to disinfect their water. Mr. Walker thinks treating drinking water is too expensive for his state. In 1993, 104 people in Wisconsin died and 400,000 got sick when the Milwaukee water supply became infected. Although municipalities in that state can keep their water clean for as little as $10,000 per well, the governor thinks that is too high a price to pay to keep citizens safe from deadly microorganisms and illnesses.
Birther Announcement! Yesterday, while hawking his new book, A Simple Government on right wing radio’s Steve Malzberg’s show, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee claimed President Obama had grown up in Kenya. “One thing that I do know is having grown up in Kenya his view of the Brits, for example, is very different that of the average American,” said Huckabee, a Fox News host and possible Republican candidate for President in 2012. Afterwards a Huckabee spokesperson said the former governor of Arkansas had “misspoke” when twice claiming on two different networks that the President grew up in Kenya.
Sharing the Pain! In New Jersey the Republican governor has proposed that middle class workers earning less than $50,000 should share the pain by taking a 25% reduction in pay and benefits. In the sharing however, he does not agree that over 225,000 millionaires in New Jersey should participate by increasing their taxes a mere 3% ($30,000) per annum. Repeat, the $50,000 per year worker can afford a $12,500 per year pay cut along with a reduction in their retirement and medical benefits but the folks earning $1,000,000 per year cannot afford an additional tax of $30,000 per year.
Tilt to the Right. Whirl. Nauseated yet?