Music Music Features

Mad Lad Performs Tonight!

Over 40 years ago, John Gary Williams sang lead on Stax-Volt hits “The Sidewalk Surf,” and “Don’t Have to Shop Around.”

Tonight he’ll give a rare local performance at the View, part hotel bar, part juke joint inside the Executive Inn at 3222 Airways Boulevard…

Over 40 years ago, John Gary Williams sang lead on Stax-Volt hits “The Sidewalk Surf,” and “Don’t Have to Shop Around.”

Tonight he’ll give a rare local performance at the View, part hotel bar, part juke joint inside the Executive Inn at 3222 Airways Boulevard.The night of live music is scheduled to begin at 7p.m. and will feature other acts to be announced. Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. Call 312-0592 for more information.

Williams participated in the militant local civil rights organization the Black Invaders, which, Williams says, hindered his show business career. Williams was drafted during the Vietnam War, and later worked in a meat-packing plant in Waterloo, Iowa, and drove a taxi in L.A.