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Man Man and Rebecca Black in Upcoming 1884 Lounge Show

Experimental pop band Man Man hits Memphis this week with supporting act Rebecca Black — remember her 2011 hit “Friday”? Although the concert takes place on Wednesday, not Friday, lead man Honus Honus (Ryan Kattner) promises to deliver a fun show that may or may not involve “a jar of frogs, Billy Joel covers, and, if the air is right, maybe throwing a handful of spoons at a wall.”

All jokes aside, the band will perform an array of songs from past albums spanning from Man Man EP (2004) to Life Fantastic (2011) to On Oni Pond (2013) backed by woodwinds, horns, guitars, keyboards, drums, and “men singing like women and children.”

Man Man

After a brief tour together in March, Rebecca Black is back on tour with the band throughout July. “I wanted to bring someone who is inspiring to be around,” says Kattner. “I went and saw a friend perform in L.A., and she played afterward. I was familiar with the work she did when she was 13 years old, but I was really taken aback by how great she sounded at the show. She’s blossomed into a great songwriter, and she does a great performance and has great stage presence. I also thought it would be an interesting juxtaposition because I hate going to shows where the opening band sounds exactly like the main band. Our fans have been really respectful of her.”

Man Man, Rebecca Black perform at 1884 Lounge, Wednesday, July 10th, 8 p.m., $15-$17.