Music Music Blog

Mark Edgar Stuart’s Record Release Party

This Sunday, March 1, Lafayette’s Music Room will host the official release party for local singer-songwriter Mark Edgar Stuart’s latest album, Trinity My Dear.

The past few years have seen Stuart transform himself from a trusted sideman with numerous well-known Memphis acts – most notably, The Pawtuckets, Jack Oblivian, and John Paul Keith – to the celebrated frontman of his own project.  The moment of ignition came in March of 2013, when Stuart unveiled his debut recording, Blues for Lou.  The album was heavily lauded by both critics and fans, myself included.  

Now Stuart is back with his sophomore effort, Trinity My Dear – a highly personal and touching collection of songs which Stuart says was inspired by “life, love, and disappointment.”  The album is truly fantastic, and so too should be Stuart’s appearance at Lafayette’s on Sunday.  

We’ll have a full interview/feature on Stuart in the print edition of next week’s Flyer, but in the meantime, take this advice:  go to the show.  You’ll thank us later.

And just in case you need further convincing, here’s a great clip which very few folks have seen of Stuart performing (mostly) the new material in the lobby of local ad-agency Red Deluxe:

Mark Edgar Stuart’s Record Release Party

Mark Edgar Stuart Record Release Party
w/ Delta Joe Sanders
Sunday, March 1, 7:30 p.m.
Lafayette’s Music Room
Free admission