Seventh-District Representative Marsha Blackburn recently opened her mouth and offered this pearl of wisdom. Not a good week for local Repubs.
From the New Orleans Times-Picayune:
One for the blooper reel: New Orleanians have had to respond to so many uninformed comments about Hurricane Katrina and our recovery that at times we’ve felt like we’re swatting mosquitoes. But almost four years after the storm we should be done with that kind of stuff, right? Apparently not.
Congressional Quarterly quoted a pearl from U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn, of Tennessee, who was arguing for stricter pay-as-you-go rules. Rep. Blackburn hoped lawmakers would agree “that we’re not going to cry ’emergency’ every time we have a Katrina, every time we have a tsunami, every time we have a need for extra spending,” CQ reported Wednesday.
The appropriate reply came from Rep. Michael Arcuri, of New York: “If Katrina was not an emergency, and did not merit emergency spending, then I cannot in my wildest imagination [say] what would.”
‘Nuff said.