Music Music Features

Mary Weiss is Back, With a Little Memphis Help

Mary Weiss, former lead singer of girl group goddesses the Shangri-Las, is coming out of the garage with a new CD Tuesday. And she’s getting a little help from a Memphis connection. …

Mary Weiss, former lead singer of girl group goddesses the Shangri-Las, is coming out of the garage with a new CD Tuesday, with a little help from a Memphis connection.

Greg Cartwright of Reigning Sound co-produced the disc and wrote songs, while the Reigning Sound backed Weiss up.

Reigning Sound played the record release party with Weiss this weekend in Cleveland, and they’re tuning up to play the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas next Thursday, March 15.

The disc, Dangerous Game, is Weiss’ first since 1965. You can read a lengthy interview with Weiss here.