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Mayoral Candidate Sharon Webb’s Trump Card: “Divine Intervention”

Fifth wheel in Monday night’s TV debate concedes she’s not a “Great Debater” but says her record is better than it seems and hints at “inevitable” victory.

We are not making any of this up: Undismayed by generally negative reviews of her performance in last Monday night’s mayoral debate, televised on WMC-TV, Action N

Mayoral candidate Sharon Webb

ews 5, former School Board member Sharon Webb — who, insofar as she was reviewed at all, was portrayed as an out-of-her-element fifth wheel in the five-way debate — played her campaign’s trump card in a statement released Friday.

“It is Divine Intervention that will turn Memphis around,” Webb (who is a pastor and always identifies herself as one) said. Further: “Nothing or no one will hinder or thwart what is the inevitable.”

Webb’s statement, reproduced in full below, acknowledges that she is “not the Great Debater.” But she contends that, despite having drawn blank after blank in responding to panelists’ questions in the TV debate, “I do have a track record that proves I get the job done.”

She makes the point that what many people might say or remember about her record in her one elective office as a Memphis School Board member could be misleading:

“It appeared that I did or said nothing. When in actuality, there was a meeting before the regular scheduled Board meetings where questions were asked, information requested and the likes to ensure the regular meeting could move expeditiously. Many Board members did not attend those meetings. When the regular meeting was held they had questions and concerns that could have been addressed in the first meeting that they missed, but it appeared to the public that they were so involved and concerned. It was politics.”

Here’s Webb’s entire statement, which was sent out in tandem with new campaign photograph (seen above):

I AM Sharon A. Webb, Candidate for the Office of Mayor. The qualifications for Mayor are as follows: at least 30 years of age, is citizen of United States and of good moral character, a resident of Memphis for at least five years preceding his or her election, at the time of his election and qualification does not hold any other office under the City of Memphis, County of Shelby, or State of Tennessee, is not indirectly interested in any contract with the City and is current on his or her taxes. It does not say you have to have experience in the Political Arena even though I do. While employed by the United States Postal Service, I excelled in every position I held.

I received numerous accolades, awards and recognition, even to being elected the first female President of the Nation Association of Postal Supervisors for two terms; Building Christ the Rock Christian Academy from a small Church School to Accreditation through Oral Roberts University, from 70 student to over 250 students with a waiting list in each grade level, budget increased from $100,000 to over $1,000,000 a year. Those children excelled in education and are excelling today. I also established Campbell’s Learning Academy for pre-school children. While, on the School Board, I received Ambassador of the Year Award from TSBA. That means I did more work, attended more meeting and activities than any other School Board Member in the state of Tennessee.

It appeared that I did or said nothing. When in actuality, there was a meeting before the regular scheduled Board meetings where questions were asked, information requested and the likes to ensure the regular meeting could move expeditiously. Many Board members did not attend those meetings. When the regular meeting was held they had questions and concerns that could have been addressed in the first meeting that they missed, but it appeared to the public that they were so involved and concerned. It was politics.

I AM not the Great Debater nor Am I the Great Pretender. However, I do have a track record that proves I get the job done. It takes GREAT courage to stand and run for such an office.

I AM the people’s candidate. I Am for the people. I AM ready to EMPOWER YOU to help.

It is Divine Intervention that will turn Memphis around. Nothing or no one will hinder or thwart what is the inevitable.