Politics Politics Feature

McCain to Pick Fred Smith for Veep? Sez Who?

Sez 7thDistrict congresswoman Marsha Blackburn. (Or congressman Blackburn, since, so help us, that’s the title she insists on.) And the news was doled out to the nation at large last Monday night…

Yep. This is what it will look like (click photo to enlarge):

And this is how Miz Marsha explained it to Larry King (since he asked) on Monday night:

Larry King: By the way, congresswoman Blackburn, do
you have a favorite for vice president?

Rep. Marsha Blackburn: Well, I think that one of the
things that you’re going to see with the McCain decision — this is just my
own, my own speculation — is that he will choose a non-traditional candidate.
And I think…

Larry (grasping the thread): Like?

Marsha (forging ahead): … that he will make a
late decision. It would not surprise me to see a female. It would not surprise
me to see a person of color. It would not surprise me to see a businessman –
maybe someone like Fred Smth, who is the head of FedEx, who knows how to run a
business. I think that you’re going to see somebody outside of the box. McCain
has always been a maverick, and I think you’re going to see that come through as
he chooses a running mate.

Watch it below: