Meanwhile in Memphis screens Friday, September 5th, at the Shell. There will be an after party at Rocket Science Audio with music by Hope Clayburn’s Soul Scrimmage. The film will be released on DVD in 2015 and will include a segment on producer Jim Dickinson that will premiere later this year.
Directors Nan Hankins and Robert Allen Parker produced a valuable piece of history. In the days of Sun and Stax, creating a filmed visual record was cost-prohibitive. In taking on the epoch after Memphis’ largest musical successes, from the late 1970s until today, the directors found a trove of film and video resources to which they added interview footage. This Memphis music didn’t earn as much money as the big names of the past. But this film documents our stubborn musical community that survived the shift from music as a mass market to a niche market. It’s interesting that many of these bands still have international followings. This is a fun movie for those of us who were there. Given the recent losses to the musical community, I know I’m not the only person who is thankful they shot it.
MEANWHILE IN MEMPHIS: The Sound of a Revolution Trailer 2013 from Meanwhile in Memphis on Vimeo.
Meanwhile In Memphis at the Shell Friday