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Medical Marijuana Act Gains Entry to TN Senate

Senator Ophelia Ford

  • Senator Ophelia Ford

Senator Ophelia Ford (D-Memphis) has signed on as the sponsor of SB 2451, better known as the Koozer-Kuhn Medical Cannabis Act, in the Tennessee Senate. The Senate bill was filed for introduction on February 5th.

The Koozer-Kuhn Medical Cannabis Act would legalize medical marijuana for specific medical conditions through a Safe Access identification card process. The bill is featured as the cover feature “In the Weeds” in this week’s Memphis Flyer.

The House bill, sponsored by Representative Sherry Jones (D-Nashville), has gained 10 co-sponsors: Joe E. Armstrong (D-Knoxville), JoAnne Favors (D-Chattanooga), Brenda Gilmore (D-Nashville), Derren Jernigan (D-Old Hickory), Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville), Larry J. Miller (D-Memphis), Gary Odom (D-Nashville), Johnny Shaw (D-Boliver), David Shepard (D-Dickson), and Mike Turner (D-Old Hickory).