News The Fly-By


A roundup of Memphis on the World Wide Web.

Super Day

Innovators take risks. Unsatisfied with a traditional snap of an “I voted” sticker after he voted, Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris went with a thumbs up before he voted during Super Tuesday last week.


Shelby County Trustee Regina Morrison Newman posted to Facebook that FedEx paid its $25 million tax bill at the end of February. We couldn’t decide if it was weird or not. How much you gotta pay for a post like that?

Fresh Air

Talk about a blast of spring. Last week, Twitter was a gutter of snipes about coronavirus, a gut-check scroll of photos from the Middle-Tennessee tornadoes, and that video of Trump groping the flag. But @memphisweather1 parted the clouds with one sentence:

“Are you ready for an extended period of sunshine (a few days’ worth)??” (Right here is where they put a cute sun emoji. Squee!)