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MEMernet: A Bad Day, Coronavirus Fun, and a Coronavirus Warning

Back to Better Days

Patrick Reilly, owner, chef, and “head fish cleaner” (according to his Facebook bio) at The Majestic Grille found himself looking back to a better time last week.

MEMernet: A Bad Day, Coronavirus Fun, and a Coronavirus Warning

Coronavirus Fun!
Eric Newsome/Nextdoor

Over in Central Gardens, Nextdoor user Eric Newsome shared some coronavirus fun over the weekend.

“We’ve got the big screen out tonight for those out walking — Beauty and the Beast starting about 7:30. Taped the sidewalk to help with distancing. Cowden between McLean and Barksdale.”

Coronavirus Excitement!
Janie Hataway, a Nextdoor user in Cooper-Young posted this message under the heading: “Going out.”

“I’m preparing to take out the garbage. I’m so excited but I don’t know what to wear!”

A Coronavirus Warning!

Christina Massey, another Nextdoor user in Cooper-Young, posted this warning “for people walking down Felix Ave.”

“Between Barksdale and Tanglewood, a man has illegally blocked off the sidewalk in front of his house with caution tape and will verbally assault you if you step over it. He swore at my husband and I, threatened us, tried to bait my husband into a fight, called us ‘disease spreaders,’ and said he hopes we die a slow death. This is impeding pedestrian traffic. Just giving my neighbors a warning in case you go out walking.

P.S. You cannot catch the coronavirus from someone walking down the sidewalk in front of your house.”