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MEMernet: Beautiful Facebook, Sticker Shock, and a Complicated Restaurant

A roundup of Memphis on the World Wide Web.

Heartwarming beauty is rare on Facebook. But one thread last week overflowed with it. On the Buy Nothing Midtown/Downtown group, a transitioning woman asked for any unwanted clothes.

In less than 24 hours, the post had 503 comments. There were clothes offers, natch, but also an outpouring of support, pride, and congrats.

“I’m From Memphis”
Head over to Mari Beth’s Facebook page for a sticker that reads, “I’m from Memphis not Tennessee. Oh, and also fuck Bill Lee.”

Posted to Facebook by Mari Beth

It’s Complicated

A Shelby County Commissioner had a question on Facebook last week about the Complicated Pilgrim restaurant to open inside The Memphian Hotel: “I want to know the market research that said, ‘Name your flagship restaurant Complicated Pilgrim’ in the middle of damn Memphis, Tennessee, in a hotel named The Memphian? Please someone email me that study. Seriously. WTF is a complicated pilgrim?”

The restaurant gave, maybe, a hint of an answer in a December Facebook post that read, “muse mention: Dorothy of The Wizard of Oz.”

Posted to Facebook by Complicated Pilgrim