Memphis Rides
Posted to Reddit u/betweenthewinds
At least five Nextdoor users have had the catalytic converters stolen from their parked cars in recent weeks. The thieves strike at night and surprise the car’s owner with a mess in the morning.
“According to the repair shop, I’m the 9th person they’ve seen in two weeks,” Zach Carr wrote in a post last week.
Just Ducky
It’s the magic of the internet, really. Last week, Nextdoor user Ashley Bruneau found a duck and posted its photo with a simple plea: “Is this your duck?”
Yep. Within a day, the duck was digitally reunited with its owners. Stephanie and Ti-Pei Feng claimed it. But as of press time the two had not been able to contact the original poster. Now we wait.
Tweet of the Week
@Midtownbuck put Trump’s motorcade crowd into perspective in a weekend tweet.