News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Forrest, Irony, Chicken, and Magic

Another statue falls, an illegally good chicken biscuit, and a Crosstown holiday.

Memphis on the internet.


The other Nathan Bedford Forrest statue fell last week in Nashville. Hey hey hey! Goodbye!


Posted to Instagram by @thefilmfriendo

Work continues to remove Ku Klux Klansman Clifford Davis’ name from the federal building Downtown. The fence around the project (which reads “Restoring Memphis”) was knocked over last week, long enough for @thefilmfriendo to capture it and post it, saying, “Oh delicious irony.”

Legal chicken?

Posted to Instagram by By the Brewery

By the Brewery posted this photo of its Tennessee Street chicken biscuit, and we’re not sure it’s even legal.

Magical Concourse

Posted to Instagram by Crosstown Concourse

Crosstown Concourse posted video from its holiday lighting ceremony to IG last week and, honestly, it’s magical.