News The Fly-By

MEMernet: That Barbecue Map and That Crack

A roundup of Memphis on the World Wide Web.


Posted to Twitter by Chef’s Pencil

The MEMernet was outraged last week. A map from the Chef’s Pencil food blog listed the country’s “top cities for BBQ” based on Tripadvisor restaurant reviews. Newark, Seattle, and Miami were there. Memphis was not.

Some called it “blasphemous.” Memphis City Council member JB Smiley tweeted the map with “#StopTheLies.”

Meanwhile, council member Allan Creasy “fixed it” with this tweet.

Posted to Twitter by Allan Creasy

That Crack

A crack in the Hernando DeSoto Bridge stopped traffic on the Mississippi River and I-40. It lit up the MEMernet.

“I’m just really glad to finally have some alone time and be able to work on ME,” tweeted the Hernando DeSoto Bridge.

“You don’t choose Infrastructure Week. Infrastructure Week chooses you,” tweeted Memphis Bridge Crack.

“From the makers of the Bass Pro Pyramid: Flex Seal Bridge,” tweeted KJ Britt.

Posted to Twitter by KJ BriTt.