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MEMernet: The Runaway Wallaby and #MEMthis

Memphis on the internet: Wallaby escapes the Memphis Zoo, and the MEMernet weighs in on Griz playoff hashtag.

Memphis on the internet.

Walla B.

Last week, a wily wallaby escaped from the Memphis Zoo. The animal’s first order of business was to set up a Twitter account and record its exploits out on the town.

Walla B. (JA’WALLAMANE) cracked jokes about local breweries, wanted to hook up for drinks at Overton Square, went to Huey’s, hinted at a run for county mayor, asked to be a duck master at The Peabody Hotel, and asked if Malco was playing Kangaroo Jack.

Posted to Twitter by @MemphisWallaby


Last week’s #MEMTHIS had the MEMernet talking on Twitter. Created by the Memphis Grizzlies, it was meant to hashtag the team’s playoff run.

“Whoever made the decision for #MemThis ……. Bruh, WHY do we need brand new, forced ‘tag lines’ for the playoffs?” tweeted @JBthegiant.

@Isaac_Rivals explained, “You read it like Mem This. Sort of like ‘take this’…we’re going to put Memphis in your face & you gotta deal with it type of energy.”

But even the explanation was roasted. @jmtigers1974 tweeted, “I’m not brilliant at marketing/advertising but…If you gotta explain it to Joe Public, then it isn’t any good.”

To it all, @jonah_kaufman tweeted, “It’s easy to get, it’s just awful.”