Tennessee Department of Transportation
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) can get a little creative when it comes to signs on the interstate. A member of the Memphis Reddit community recently asked the group what their favorite sign is.
“I’ve been seeing ‘OMG Stop Texting and Driving’ pretty frequently as of late,” the user, UncleChubb posted. “Always loved the ‘Turn Signals: The Original Text Message’ and something along the lines of ‘Get off your phone! Ain’t nobody got time for a wreck!’ I appreciate the creativity during my commute.”
Here are some of the responses:
Memphians’ Favorite TDOT Signs (2)
Memphians’ Favorite TDOT Signs
Memphians’ Favorite TDOT Signs (3)
Memphians’ Favorite TDOT Signs (4)
Memphians’ Favorite TDOT Signs (5)
Memphians’ Favorite TDOT Signs (6)