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Memphis Airport Passenger Numbers on the Rise

The passenger totals at Memphis International Airport were up in May — the latest numbers available — for the 13th consecutive month.

There was a 7.6 percent increase in passengers this May versus last May. Local enplanements for the first 11 months of fiscal year 2016 were up by more than 185,000 over the same period last year. Overall load factors (the ratio of available seats versus occupied seats) were at 85 percent in May.

The airport authority is reporting that June numbers, once they’re official, could see annual enplanements hit the two million mark for the first time since 2012. That was the last full year that Delta operated its hub in Memphis.

“The turnaround that we’ve had in passenger growth reflects the hard work and determination by everyone at MEM after what has arguably been the most challenging time in the airport’s history,” said Scott Brockman, MSCAA president and CEO. “The effort from employees and local stakeholder partners in our relentless pursuit of frequent and affordable air service has been tremendous, but we’re not finished.”

Two new airlines launched at Memphis International in the past 18 months, and six carriers have launched 16 new non-stop flights. That said, Frontier Airlines cut its nonstop, three-day-a-week flight to Atlanta at the end of June, citing low passenger demand.

Averages airfares at Memphis International have dropped by more than $150 since 2012, putting Memphis in rank for 37th in average airfare cost among the top 100 U.S. airports.