
Memphis Animal Coalition Meeting Sunday

An animal advocacy coalition formed to address concerns about the Memphis Animal Shelter’s high rate of euthanasia will meet at 3 p.m. on Sunday, December 30th at the Benjamin L. Hooks Library.

The group, which previously called itself Change Our Shelter, has decided on a new name — the Memphis Animal Coalition (MAC). It was named for Mac, a dog that was put to sleep by shelter employees despite the fact that rescuer Lisa Trenthem was at the shelter and ready to adopt it…

An animal advocacy coalition formed to address concerns about the Memphis Animal Shelter’s high rate of euthanasia will meet at 3 p.m. on Sunday, December 30th at the Benjamin L. Hooks Library.

The group, which previously called itself Change Our Shelter, has decided on a new name — the Memphis Animal Coalition (MAC). It was named for Mac, a dog that was put to sleep by shelter employees despite the fact that rescuer Lisa Trenthem was at the shelter and ready to adopt it. Employees said the dog was sick with allergies and could not be adopted out although Trenthem said she’d take the dog to vet immediately.

Since its formation in October, the group has had several talks with Director of Public Services and Neighborhoods Keenon McCloy about the shelter’s policy on not adopting sick animals, as well the shelter’s sparse hours (it’s only open for adoption 26 hours a week).

As a result, McCloy has announced that the shelter will look into expanding the shelter’s hours and begin implementing a disclaimer/waiver that would allow adoption of dogs and cats with certain medical issues.

For more on the Memphis Animal Coalition, read Bianca Phillips’ story here.