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Memphis Braces for Tropical Storm Cindy

Tropical Storm Cindy is already impacting the MidSouth, even though the tangible effects of the storm have yet to reach it.

Remnants of the storm are expected to move across the MidSouth late Thursday and through Friday night, according to the National Weather Service (NWS).

“Showers and thunderstorms will increase across the area tonight and Friday, with rain chances really ramping up on Friday as a cold front interacts with the tropical moisture,” reads a NWS forecast for Memphis. “Heavy rainfall is becoming more likely across the region. As a result, there will be a potential for flash flooding this afternoon into Friday night.”

Dale Lane, director, Shelby County Office of Preparedness (SCOP), has said to plan on flash flooding in the area. He said the NWS issued a flash flood warning here beginning at 1 p.m until Friday evening. The storm could also bring “short lived tornadoes” and damaging winds. But Lane noted that flash flooding is a very likely threat.

“Keep abreast of changing weather conditions and please stay off the roadways during flash flooding,” Lane said Thursday. “Public works is working diligently to ensure our storm drains are clear. We would greatly appreciate your assistance by removing any debris or trash from storm drains near your home or work.”

The threat of the storm brought organizers with the Memphis Botanic Garden to re-schedule Friday’s Live at the Garden show featuring country act Little Big Town. That sold out show has been moved to September 8. Garden officials said existing tickets are still good and will be honored at the gates that night.

Memphis Braces for Tropical Storm Cindy

In a YouTube video Thursday, the performers said they were sorry they couldn’t play the show, which had a new set list and new production elements.

“Stay safe and we’re so sorry to have to do this,” Little Big Town vocalist Karen Fairchild said.

State officials also postponed the grand opening of the new I-55 Shelby County Welcome Center. Officials planned to have the ceremony Friday but postponed it indefinitely “based on the current forecast, and the potential for severe weather activity,”

Memphis, Light, Gas & Water (MLGW) did not respond to an inquiry on their preparation plans for the storm.