Last week, Chancellor Walter Evans upheld the sale of the Nineteenth Century Club to its current owners, Mr. and Mrs. Shon Lin, thus paving the way for demolition.
Now Memphis Heritage is circulating an online petition asking supporters to pledge a boycott against any businesses the Lins may build and operate on the Nineteenth Century Club property. The petition says someone named David Wachtel of Nashville has made a formal offer to the Lins to purchase and reuse the Nineteenth Century Club building “as an upscale restaurant and event venue.”
There has been no word on whether the Lins will take Wachtel up on his offer, but if someone else were to purchase the property from them and reuse the building rather than demolish, the Memphis Heritage petition says it would support whatever business locates there.
As of this writing, the petition had 1,058 signatures with a goal of reaching 2,000.