Living Spaces Real Estate

Memphis “Hot Properties”

It certainly does not look like a bungalow from the street. Symmetrically placed windows with shutters are set on each side of a recessed entry with single-light French doors. Used brick on the front and engaged columns on the corner complete the facade that is trying so hard to be a Greek Revival cottage in the French Quarter. A wonderful old iron fence on the left side of the yard adds to the New Orleans flavor …

It certainly does not look like a bungalow from the street. Symmetrically placed windows with shutters are set on each side of a recessed entry with single-light French doors. Used brick on the front and engaged columns on the corner complete the facade that is trying so hard to be a Greek Revival cottage in the French Quarter. A wonderful old iron fence on the left side of the yard adds to the New Orleans flavor …

Read the rest of this week’s “Hot Properties” column by John Griffin.