Memphis Parent, a monthly parenting magazine published since January 1999 by Contemporary Media, Inc., walked off with top honors at the Parenting Publications of America (PPA) Annual Convention, held March 1-3 in Huntington Beach, California.
Memphis Parent received four gold medals, for General Editorial Excellence, Best Overall Design, Spot News Feature, and Calendar Design.
The PPAs Editorial and Design Awards recognize excellence in journalism, photography, and design achieved by member publications. Faculty members at the University of Missouri School of Journalism judge the competition.
This was an extraordinary coup for a very talented team, says Kenneth Neill, publisher and CEO of Contemporary Media, which also publishes The Memphis Flyer and Memphis magazine. Theyve worked hard to make changes in the magazines look and editorial content, so this is proof positive that were moving in the right direction.
PPA members compete for gold and silver honors in 17 design categories, 16 editorial categories, and three general excellence categories (Most Improved, Rookie of the Year, and General Excellence). In all, 178 editorial and design awards were conferred.
PPA is a national trade association of regional parenting publications that represents more than 150 magazines and newspapers in the U.S., Canada, and Australia. The organization was established in 1988.