
Memphis Police Officer Fired for Beating Suspect

Memphis Police officer Bridges McRae, who was videotaped beating transgendered suspect Duanna Johnson, was terminated yesterday afternoon following an administrative hearing. McRae was charged with “use of excessive force.”

McRae had been placed on desk duty pending an investigation after the incident happened in February …

Memphis Police officer Bridges McRae, who was videotaped beating transgendered suspect Duanna Johnson, was terminated yesterday afternoon following an administrative hearing. McRae was charged with “use of excessive force.”

McRae had been placed on desk duty pending an investigation after the incident happened in February. James Swain, the officer who held Johnson down during the beating, was fired immediately.

A coalition was formed in response to the incident to prevent further police brutality against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people. The group met Monday night to form an action plan, which included establishing a gay liaison in the police department and demanding sensitivity training for police.

For more, see Bianca Phillips’ story from the Flyer.