Memphis scored 46 points out of a possible 100 points on the Human Rights Campaign’s 2014 Municipal Equality Index, which rates major cities on LGBT inclusion in municipal law and policy.
The city scored well in the area of non-discrimination in city employment, since Memphis city government has a policy protecting its gay and transgender workers. We also got positive points for having an LGBT liaison in the Memphis Police Department and for having anti-bullying policies. The city scored bonus points for providing services and support for people living with HIV and AIDS and bonus points for having a inclusive workplace in municipal governments. Mayor A C Wharton’s administration was recognized for for having a public position on LGBT equality, but the administration received no points in the category of leadership on public policy that would positively effect LGBT equality.
Cities were rated on 47 total criteria, including non-discrimination laws, relationship recognition, a municipality’s employment policies (including transgender-inclusive insurance coverage, contracting non-discrimination requirements, and other policies relating to equal treatment of LGBT city employees), inclusiveness of city services, law enforcement, and municipal leadership on matters of equality.
The average score for Tennessee was 39 out of 100 points: Chattanooga got 23 points; Clarksville received 14 points; Knoxville got 36 points; and Nashville scored the highest in the state with a 75.
Click here to view the Human Rights Campaign’s 2014 Municipal Equality Index and see Memphis’ scorecard.
Human Rights Campaign
A map of cities included on the 2014 Human Rights Campaign Municipality Equality Index