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Memphis To Get Obamacare Help Center

The first Health Help Agency, a help center for people with questions about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in Tennessee will open in Memphis on November 2nd at the corner of Madison and Cleveland in Midtown.

The Health Help Agency will provide free face-to-face help with ACA issues for both English- and Spanish-speaking residents. The agency’s 10 employees will be on-hand answer questions ranging from which plans are the most affordable to how to find healthcare providers to questions about deductibles and co-pays. The agency also has a website — — where residents can ask questions.

“Our approach is different because our community is unique and has unique educational challenges. Not everyone in our community has a computer and the internet. We feel everyone needs a place where they can ask questions about their health reform options and get help,” said Health Help Agency Operations Director Kelly Kish.

The agency is also working with local nonprofits to promote education around the ACA. Open enrollment for the ACA begins on Sunday, November 1st. The Health Help Agency will be located at 1339 Madison.