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Memphis Welcomes Weather Channel Team With Car Break-In

“Not really how I wanted to start my day in Memphis.”

Reporters from The Weather Channel were in Memphis for special coverage on the city’s snowfall and were welcomed with smashed car windows. 

Charles Peek, a reporter and photographer familiar to any Weather Channel watcher, said his car and others were broken into in their hotel’s parking lot. 

“Not really how I wanted to start my day in Memphis,” Peek wrote on Facebook

However, Peek said he’d taken drone footage of Jim Cantore, another Weather Channel favorite, and it was not stolen. 

Here’s that footage: 

The news came with an outpouring of sympathy from fans and colleagues all over the country. Some comments were funny (or tried to be) with jests like “welcome to Memphis!” But none of them painted Memphis in a great light. 

“So sorry to hear this happened to y’all,” wrote Joel Young, a meteorologist for Little Rock’s KARK TV station. “I love Memphis but I always feel like I’m looking over my shoulder there these days.”

Memphis weather fans know The DAMN Weather of Memphis (DWM) Facebook page. On Monday, he posted, “Jim Cantore and his team just landed in Memphis. DO NOT STEAL HIS CAR. Wait until Tuesday to do that.”

After Peek posted about the break-in, DWM posted, “I’m having the biggest facepalm right now. Apparently, I need to start predicting the weather and the future.”