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Memphis Zoo Welcomes Baby Primate, Cue the “Aaaaws”

Let’s all gather in for a second and cast aside our partisan differences, because we have a snuggly announcement guaranteed to make both sides of the isle smile.

Ok, ready?

Today, The Memphis Zoo announced the birth of a BABY MONKEY (more specifically, a Francois langur), named “Rook”, born to “Jean Grey” and “Jay-Jay”.

Officials with the zoo say that baby Rook is in perfect health, and Jean Grey is taking to motherhood with ease. (Comic fans, you better show up with something witty in the comment section to balance out the expected Greensward comments).

Francois langurs have long been cared for and reproduced at the Memphis Zoo, since 2002. They grow up to be leaf-eating monkeys, equipped with two stomach chambers to digest their mega-fibrous diet.

Before they grow into their black coats that distinguishes them as adults, they start out their little monkey existences with bright orange fur, which is believed by some scientists to encourage females in the group to lend a hand with rearing the monkey-child. Plus, like, orange is Jean Grey’s favorite color, so that worked out nicely for Rook.

Both mother and child are on display for the public for limited hours every day at the CHINA exhibit.

The Memphis Zoo

If you don’t at least half-way smile at this image, then I don’t know what there is to be done about your icy-cold heart.