Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Energetically Protecting Your Home

Ways to safeguard the energies in your space.

Protection work is the bread and butter for most spiritual practitioners. It is something that can and probably should be done on a regular basis along with cleansing work, and it never hurts to do. You can do it whenever you feel like you need to, or you can make it a part of your regular routine. 

Cleansing and protection go hand in hand. When you do a cleansing, you are removing unwanted energies from your property and purifying your space. In an ideal situation, you may want to perform a thorough cleansing before doing your protection work. However, you do not have to cleanse before asking for protection. Yes, cleansing is often considered the first step, but it is not required and sometimes it’s not feasible. 

If you add cleansing your space and doing protection work as part of your routine, this will keep your home or space purified and protected and doing it regularly will increase the potency of your work over time. 

Many people don’t think of doing protection work until we need it. And in these situations, taking the time to cleanse may not be realistic. Although cleansing on a regular basis is good spiritual hygiene, it is not necessarily required before you do any protection work, even if you have the time and means to cleanse beforehand. 

Because protection is so important, there are many ways you can energetically and spiritually protect yourself. Placing gemstones around your home is an easy way of adding protection. Gemstones that are dark in color are typically used for this purpose, although amethyst breaks the color rule and is great for everything. You can also create herbal amulets, also known as gris-gris bags or mojo bags, with protective herbs and gemstones to place around your space. 

Some of the best protection workings you can do, though, are ones that no one knows about and that no one can see. Creating energetic wards or shields around your home is one way to add some invisible protection. Another way is to bless or charge items in your home to be protective. 

You can use any item that already exists in your home and charge it with the intention that this item is now protecting your home. Many people use door wreaths or other décor near their entryways for this. You can also create something new for this purpose. Break out the arts and crafts and create a special piece to be hung where you feel like you need protection the most. While you are working on it, remember why you are creating the piece (for protection) and put that energy into whatever it is you are making. 

You can also create an energetic ward around your home. We don’t have the space to get into energy work, which is the foundation of creating wards, but that is something you can look up online or come ask us about at The Broom Closet. 

Energetic wards are a type of protection work used to guard against negative energies. To create a ward on your home, you will want to visualize a sphere encircling your home. It needs to go all around, over it, and underneath it. Once you see this sphere in your mind’s eye, you will want to infuse it with protective energy. Think about the kinds of protection you need from the ward while you are visualizing it. 

All protection workings will need to be revisited at some point and refreshed. In my experience, wards and other energetic-based workings may need a little more maintenance than other types of workings. If you are not yet an experienced energy worker, you may want to check in on your wards more often. The more experience you have working with energy, the stronger your skills will be and the less maintenance you will have to do. 

As you go about your summer and work on your to-do list, don’t forget to add protecting your home to your list. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive. 

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

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