Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Mercury Retrograde, Again

Expect frustration and perspective while the planet retrogrades.

August was a time of adjusting to new cycles. If you are a teacher, parent of a student, or a student, last month focused on getting prepared for the new school year. For those of us who do not have anyone in our household going back to school, we readjusted and are still readjusting to the new traffic and social patterns of our communities. All in all, it can be a difficult time without any added astrological phenomena. However, this year we have to balance our busy lives against the fact that the planet Mercury has gone retrograde. Again.

Mercury retrograde happens three to four times every year, and usually lasts for four weeks. It is an astronomical phenomenon that makes the planet look like it is moving backwards in its orbit around the sun. It’s an optical illusion that occurs because it takes Mercury only 88 days to orbit the sun, compared to the 365 days it takes the Earth to do the same.

The planet Mercury is named for the Roman god Mercury, the messenger of the gods, delivering news and goods but also acting as a translator or interpreter. Mercury rules over wealth, communication, commerce, and good fortune. When Mercury appears to move backwards in its orbit, these qualities may struggle to move forward or have more glitches than usual.

Generally, retrograde is a period of frustration, with delays, miscommunication, and technological mishaps. It is commonly advised that people should not travel, sign contracts, or make any major life decisions during a Mercury retrograde. Instead, try to be flexible as plans may end up changing often, be patient and understanding, back up your work and important documents, and leave some wiggle room for any major projects.

Mercury retrograde gets blamed for many things, and it can be a frustrating period, but it can bring us some much-needed perspective. It’s advised to not start any endeavors during the retrograde, but it is a great time to finish things up. If you have any lingering chores or projects, use the energy to get them finished and off your plate. You can also use the time to reflect and slow down, to review where you are putting your time and energy.

We are already in the throes of the third Mercury retrograde for the year, and it’s going to last until September 15th. Every Mercury retrograde this year will fall in an earth sign with our current retrograde hitting us in Virgo. The astrological sign of Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, which might help soften this retrograde’s effects. Virgo’s attention to detail could be enhanced by this retrograde, meaning we are more likely to pay attention to the fine print and specifics, which is what usually trips us up during a Mercury retrograde. If we can be meticulous and set clear intentions for the next few weeks, we should be able to navigate this and come out of the other side relatively unscathed.

Virgo, symbolizing purity and perfection, directs our attention toward refining our lives. This retrograde sheds light on areas where we’ve cluttered our days with conversations or activities that don’t add value or support. Look at your calendar and see who or what you’ve been spending time and energy on. Are these people or activities really serving you?

On August 30th, the Pisces super blue moon occurred, almost opposite Mercury. This alignment shone a light on what we need to let go of and what we should ease the pressure on, allowing a smoother daily rhythm to emerge. Virgo energy is all about the practical aspects of life, while Pisces energy, where the moon is situated, delves into the spiritual and ethereal. This cosmic dance prompts us to reflect on the balance between material and spiritual focus and to shed what’s unnecessary.

Astrologists claim that this retrograde will be easier than others, but with Mercury and six other planets in retrograde, the rest of this year will be interesting no matter what. Read the fine print, think carefully, and pay attention, as this too shall pass. Eventually.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.