Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: The King of Wands

This card in tarot captures the drive and passion of Aries.

Astrology is prevalent throughout tarot, as many tarot practitioners know. On the spring equinox, Aries season begins and takes us through mid-April. Many people may be familiar with The Emperor card in tarot being the big Aries card, and it’s easy to understand why. But did you know there are more cards in tarot associated with each zodiac sign aside from their major Arcana card? For Aries, the suit of wands contains many cards that capture the drive and passion of the sign, especially the King of Wands.

The kings of the four suits are all aspects of The Emperor card, as all queens are aspects of The Empress card. The King of Wands is unique because it so closely resembles The Emperor. Both contain a fierce energy that helps keep us motivated and goal-oriented. The fiery aspect of both lends itself to driving our passions to fruition. Which is what we need if we are going to embrace the energy of spring and begin working on our spring projects.

Like all kings in tarot, the King of Wands has a fatherly feel. As a king, he has lived through all the experiences of the smaller cards in his suit and has gained wisdom from his encounters. There is a maturity in the king that you do not see in the other court cards (page, knight, or queen). This experience and maturity allows the King of Wands to use his passion and his temper to achieve his aims, rather than allowing them to control him or derail him. The King of Wands is a master at directing his energy, at motivating people and making sure things get done. The King of Wands is a great leader because he inspires you, he has a vision, and his passion doesn’t leave anyone behind. The King of Wands’ goal is overcoming a challenge and opening up new horizons. As much of an adrenaline junkie as The Emperor can be, the King of Wands is perhaps more since the he oversees a smaller kingdom.

I am not the first nor the last person to say this, but the world can be overwhelming. Technology has made it a smaller place, connecting us with those on the other side of the planet, making communication instantaneous, sending out news and information constantly. Technology has also made seeing and knowing about disasters, bad news, and crime that much easier. Many people feel the pains of the greater world looming over them, on top of the complications of daily life. This is why we need the energy of the King of Wands.

Whether we are coming out of our winter shell or trying to navigate the politics at work, the King of Wands is here to help show you the way. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember how to eat the elephant — one bite at a time. Instead of trying to channel the energy of The Emperor card and do everything, try being the King of Wands instead. Focus on one thing at a time. The Emperor has to rule and manage all the kingdoms in tarot (wands, swords, cups, and pentacles), but the kings only have to rule over their one kingdom. Start smaller, do a good and thorough job, and then move on to the next task.

If you feel like you are stuck on a project, try tackling it from another direction. The King of Wands is fond of creative and bold plans. Think outside the box, push the envelope, be bold and daring, do something everyone else thinks will fail. You may not succeed every time, but you tried and made an effort, and hopefully learned something so that when you try it again, you will make more progress. The one thing you cannot do is give up. Embrace your inner King of Wands and change the world, one bite at a time.