Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: The Lion’s Gate

What it is and how to harness its energy.

We are now in the Lion’s Gate Portal (July 26th to August 12th), a relatively new energetic phenomenon. It’s a combination of astrology, ancient cosmology, and numerology — all channeling a very specific celestial alignment that peaks on August 8th. 

The portal happens when the sun, in the astrological sign of Leo, is in alignment with the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt, and Earth. This happens when Sirius “rises” or becomes visible again due to the sun’s yearly passing of the star. The rising of the dog star is an occurrence that has been noted by cultures for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians knew Sirius well and based many of their ceremonies and holidays around the time it became visible. 

To the ancient Egyptians, Sirius was seen as the embodiment of the agricultural goddess Sopdet and was connected with the annual rising and flooding of the Nile, indispensable to their survival. In later civilizations, the Greeks and Romans noticed that Sirius, actually a binary star that they called “The Dog Star,” began to rise alongside the sun in late July. They believed that the united ascent of these two stars side-by-side made for the hottest time of the year — the Dog Days of Summer. The Dog Days of Summer and the Lion’s Gate Portal are not the same, even though they happen simultaneously and focus on Sirius as a key factor. 

Besides its brightness, ancient astrologers noted that Sirius seemed to take on characteristics of two fiery planets — Jupiter and Mars. In astrology, Jupiter is the planet of luck, miracles, expansion, and growth believed to bring forth prosperity, happiness, fortune, wealth, and wisdom. Mars is the planet of action, competition, conquest, passion, desire, and energy. With these powers combined, Sirius was considered particularly auspicious. This is why taking action while it is in alignment is thought to help one achieve one’s goals, imbued with the luck of Jupiter and the courage of Mars.

Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and is astrologically considered to be a spiritual sun. Its powerful energy is activating, uplifting, and capable of raising consciousness. Where the sun provides physical nourishment, Sirius is believed to breathe life into our “spiritual bodies.” In astrology, it brings wealth, abundance, fortune, and fame. This alignment with the star means it is an excellent time for manifestation. 

The entire Lion’s Gate Portal period is considered spiritually significant but its peak falls on August 8th. In numerology, the number 8 is associated with balance, power, karmic relief, and mastery and is known as the number of good luck and fortune, discovery, hope, and opportunity. It’s also linked to the infinity symbol, which represents continuous balance and the infinite flow of energy. The 8:8 combination signifies inspiration, integrity, knowledge, introspection, and intuition and represents infinite activation. Some consider 8:8 to be one of the most powerful number combinations. 

August 8th is also the day that marks the sun’s mid-way point through the astrological sign of Leo. The sign of Leo is associated with boldness and confidence. Of course, the sun is also the ruler of sign Leo. So in this moment, everything is in alignment physically and spiritually.

This feast of energy allows an opportunity for spiritual expansion and evolvement. Giving us a chance to become a more empowered, better version of ourselves. Many people use this window of the Lion’s Gate to help them manifest their dreams and significant changes in their lives. If you are manifesting prosperity or things that involve taking a risk, this might be a good time to double down on your manifestation rituals. 

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

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