Memphis Gaydar News

MGLCC Needs Money to Stay Open

Will Batts consults a gay teen.

  • Will Batts consults a gay teen.

The Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center (MGLCC) is facing a budget crisis, and now they’re appealing to the community for help. After 22 years of serving the local LGBT community, the center may have to close its doors if sufficient funds aren’t raised, according to a recent email newsletter from its board of directors.

The center has trimmed as much as possible from its $125,000 budget, and their only remaining option is to lay off executive director Will Batts. Batts is the only paid employee at the center, and the board contends that laying him off “would greatly diminish our ability to function in the way that our community needs and expects.”

The center has set a goal to raise $45,000 by the end of May. If that goal is met, the center will remain open and Batts should be able to keep his job. To make a donation online, click here.

Over the years, the MGLCC has offered support to the local LGBT community through workshops, support groups, potlucks, concerts, art programs, and more. They also launched a safe haven program last year, providing temporary homes to homeless or abused LGBT youth. The MGLCC also offers gently used clothing and food to LGBT people in need.