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MHA Stops Lipscomb’s Paycheck

The Memphis Housing Authority [MHA] agreed to stop paying Robert Lipscomb, its embattled director, but will not yet fire him.

Lipscomb was accused of rape on August 30. On September 2, the MHA board voted to suspend Lipscomb but agreed to continue to pay him as the investigation into the allegation continued. The board appointed Maura Black Sullivan, the city’s deputy chief administrative officer, as MHA’s interim director.   

The MHA board unanimously stripped Lipscomb’s paycheck in a meeting Thursday but will allow his suspension to continue.  

He was fully relieved of his duties at his other job as the city’s director of Housing and Community Development [HCD] in late August. Lipscomb resigned as HCD director on August 31 as news of the rape allegation caught fire in the media.

A man now living in Seattle said he was a homeless teenager when Lipscomb forced him into oral sex. The relationship continued, the man alleges, as Lipscomb bribed him into secrecy with money and promises of a house and a job.

The man filed a formal complaint with the Memphis Police Department against Lipscomb in 2010 but officers were not able to find the homeless teen. 

News of the allegation spread and more accusers came forward, calling Memphis Mayor A C Wharton’s office. MPD officers searched Lipscomb’s house and took computers, folders, and a camcorder as evidence.

So far, no formal charges have been brought against Lipscomb.