

Fahrenheit 9/11 filmmaker calls off appearance due to “pneumonia.”

The scheduled Memphis appearance on Saturday of Fahrenheight 9/11 filmmaker Michael Moore has been canceled dur to Moore’s illness, announced local Kerry-Edwards coordinator Kerry Fulmer late Friday afternoon.

Said Fulmer in an email:

“We have some very sad news – due to illness Michael Moore has had to cancel his tour. It has been reported that he has pneumonia. Michael Moore will not be able to appear in Memphis October 16th. We all send our prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery to Michael….

Moore had been scheduled to appear at New Salem Missionary Baptist Church in Memphis at 1 p.m. Saturday.

State Rep. Kathryn Bowers, local Democratic Party chairman, issued the following statement:

“In light of the fact that Mr. Michael Moore, the Director of Fahrenheit 9/11, has been ill with the walking pneumonia and the planned demonstration by the local Republican Party, we are relieving Mr. Moore of his commitment to come to Memphis to help us with our kick-off for Early Voting Educational Awareness Rally. We are indeed sorry that our local Republican Party would stoop so low to call the Democrats here in Shelby County, Michael Moore’s cadre of brainwashed followers. We still plan to have the rally and we are asking all the democrats to join us at New Salem Missionary Baptist Church.”

Meanwhile, local Republican chairman Kemp Conrad responded with this press release:

We are thrilled to hear that fantasy filmmaker Michael Moore is not coming to Memphis today. He cited illness as his reason for canceling, though he spoke at UNLV and appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night, and he is still scheduled to speak at an event in Madison, WI today. There was not even a mention of a Memphis visit on his official web site yesterday. We believe the real reason Michael Moore didn’t come is that people in Shelby County do not buy into his politics of deceit. The Republican Party will continue to have it’s pro-Bush rally at 11am at our Field Headquarters at 1213 Ridgeway Rd. in Park Place Centre where attendees will meet to go out and campaign door-to-door as well as make phone calls to remind voters about the upcoming election and Early Voting.

The Flyer will report further details as learned.