
Midnight Ride Hit and Run

I’ve heard two accounts this morning of a hit-and-run during the middle of Saturday night’s popular Midnight Classic Bike Tour.

Apparently, around 12:30 a.m. Sunday morning, a male cyclist was approaching the intersection of Madison and Cooper and was waved on by the police officer directing traffic.

The cyclist was then hit by a dark-colored vehicle traveling on Madison at about 30 to 40 mph. The driver did not stop.

Eyewitnesses say the west-bound lane of Madison was blocked off by police, but no one was in charge of the east-bound lane. (UPDATE: From other reports I’ve gotten, it seems the officer had east-bound traffic stopped, but no one was directing west-bound traffic and the light at the intersection was green.)

The cyclist was taken to the Med, but that’s about all I know right now. Check back for more details.