Of course you know the story of Camelot: Boy meets girl; boy makes girl a queen; queen fools around with boy’s best friend; the world ends. As musicals go, Lerner & Lowe’s Kennedy-era epic about King Arthur, his knights and their ladies is one of the biggies, looming especially large in Boomer mythos. And, in the spirit of everything Camelot stood for, 100% of the proceeds from an upcoming production at The Evergreen Theatre will go to benefit The Emergency Needs for Theatre Artists Community Fund, which was established last season when actor Jo Lynn Palmer suffered a stroke on opening night of The Fantasticks at Germantown Community Theatre.
From the press release:
This was a wake-up call to the Memphis Theatre community. Brent Davis of GCT joined forces with Theatre Memphis in setting up a fund to help her in the time of crisis for her and her family. Since then the Theatres have decided to continue this noble effort thus creating a community fund to continue to aid and assist volunteers and staff of the Memphis Theatre Community who are in medical or specific social financial distress or need. The account is called the EMERGENCY NEEDS FOR THE THEATRE ARTISTS COMMUNITY FUND . The process to receive funds is monitored and applied by a committee of Theatre representatives and is open to the entire Memphis theatre community. Each award of cash is reviewed on an individual basis with the priority going to medical needs and assistance.
Evergreen’s not a large playhouse so, unless you’re one of those “Fie on Goodness” types, now would be the time to reserve.
Camelot, a musical adapted from the T. H. White novel The Once and Future King is at the Evergreen Theatre AUGUST 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28 – 8:00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY; 2:00 SUNDAY
Adults: $20; Children: $10 — group rates of 10 or more $15/person.
Additional donations will be accepted at the door.
Cash and Check accepted.
901-417-4782 or email northemberproductions@gmail.com