Suggestions about the Mall of Memphis poured in from more than 30 Commercial Appeal readers, and when .003 percent of the greater Memphis community speaks, columnist Linda A. Moore listens. Suggestions included converting it into a complex devoted to such nontraditional sports as figure skating and volleyball. (Ooh la-la!) Gwen Riddell of Cordova went so far as to suggest that Memphians are missing out on all kinds of volleyball goodness, telling Moore, In other cities they have more people playing volleyball because of the facilities. So true.
On the other hand, Pastor Kenneth Whalum Jr. told the CA that the mall might become an incubator for minority-owned businesses. Whalum thinks it might target stores that benefit most from black customers, along with a Memphis Police Department mini-precinct and Shelby County Sheriff s Department substation to address safety concerns.
As long as the first store to open is called Profiles, who can argue?