This Sunday night, the Subtractions along with J.D. Reager and the Cold-Blooded Three will pay tribute to the Monkees at Lafayette’s Music Room. Formed in 1965, the Monkees recently celebrated their 51st anniversary, causing Reager and Lafayette’s to throw together a tribute show. While the Monkees weren’t quite as commercially successful as their somewhat rivals the Beatles, the band from Los Angeles did crank out hits like “Daydream Believer,” “I’m a Believer,” and “Last Train to Clarksville,” in addition to selling over 75 million records to date. Not bad for a band that was originally formed for a television show.
The Subtractions and the Cold-Blooded Three will be covering the Monkees for the entirety of the evening, and with the deep knowledge possessed by show organizer Reager, you can bet that both bands will be digging deep into the Monkee’s catalog. The Subtractions also feature original Reigning Sound member Jeremy Scott on bass and vocals, and other guests for the evening include Mark Akin (the Subteens), Jason Pulley (Glorious Abhor), and the Flyer’s own Chris Davis. Fun fact: Monkees drummer Micky Dolenz was part of the famed “Hollywood Vampires” drinking crew that included Alice Cooper, Keith Moon, Ringo Starr, and Harry Nilsson. Imagine those bar tabs.